
April 13, 2023


1:00 pm ET

 — 2:00 pm ET



Rural philanthropy holds unique opportunities and challenges. In this session, we will explore what rural philanthropy looks like and how it differs from philanthropy in urban areas. We will examine the characteristics of rural areas that make philanthropy different, such as the smaller population size, limited resources, and greater distance between communities. We will also hear from Lynn DeCaro, Executive Director of the Muskoka Community Foundation, Gaylene Weidlich, Executive Director of the Wood Buffalo Community Foundation and Mindy Stroet, Director of Development for the Prince George Community Foundation. These two leaders of rural community foundations will discuss how they have created community-based approaches, strategic partnerships, and sustainable projects.

Participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences and insights into rural philanthropy, and we will encourage discussion and collaboration among participants. By the end of the session, participants will have knowledge of the unique characteristics of rural philanthropy, its challenges and opportunities, and effective strategies for giving back to rural communities.

This session will support community foundation work on several SDGs including:

This session is available to all community foundations who are members of the CFC network.